
  • Crustacean No. A78

    Palaeastacus. Location: Mühlheim, district of Eichstätt, straticraphic classification upper Jurassic, Tithonium, Solnhofen-Formation, malm zeta  3 / 4, age approx. 144 million years, weigth approx. 1 135 g, thickness of slab approx. 1.1 cm 98 €

    Crustacean No. A78
  • Unnamed lobster No. A55

    Location: Solnhofen, stratigraphic classification: upper Jurassic. lower Thiton, malm zeta.  Age: approx. 150,000,000 years, diameter of fossil max. approx. 10 cm, cut edges of slab approx. 23.4 x 13.7 cm, weigth approx. 1.275 kg 59 €

    Unnamed lobster No. A55
  • Horseshoe crab No. A79

    Formation:  Malm zeta 2 (Eichstätt). Location: Eichstätt. Straticraphic classification: upper Jurassic, Tithonium, Solnhofen-Formation, malm zeta  3 / 4, age approx. 147 million years, thickness approx.  1.9 cm, weigth  approx. 2.145 kg,   695 €

    Horseshoe crab No. A79
  • Antrimpos  No. A76

    Age:  Jurassic, formation:  malm zeta 2 a/b (Solnhofen), Location:  Eichstatt, Germany stratigrapic classification: upper Jurassic. lower Thiton, malm zeta 3,  panel thickness approx. 1.5. Dimensions approx. 15.5 x 15.5 cm,  weigth approx.  865 g. 239 €

    Antrimpos  No. A76
  • Unnamed lobster No. A64

    Lobster approx. 20 cm. The Nusplingen Limestone.  150 million years. Thickness of slab approx.  2.8 cm, , weight  approx.  7180 g. 499 €

    Unnamed lobster No. A64
  • Mecochirus  No. B23

    Lobster incl. antennas approx. 12 cm. Locality: Mühlheim, district of Eichstätt, Germany, upper jurassic, malm zeta 3 – 4, age approx.  144 million years. Thickness of slab approx.  1 cm, cut bottom edge approx. 33 cm, weight  approx.  1720 g. 260 €

    Mecochirus  No. B23
  • Unnamed crustacean No. A22

    Location: Mühlheim, district of Eichstätt, straticraphic classification upper Jurassic, Tithonium, Solnhofen-Formation, malm zeta  3 / 4, age approx. 144 million years, weigth approx. 1 645 g, thickness of slab approx. 0.8 cm 170 €

    Unnamed crustacean No. A22
  • Antrimpos sp No A51

    Location: Eichstätt, stratigraphic classification: upper Jurassic,  lower Thiton, malm zeta 2b.  Age: approx. 150,000,000 years, Thickness of slab approx. 1 cm, weigth total 2255 g. 499 €

    Antrimpos sp No A51
  • Mecochirus longimanatus No. A33

    Age:  Jurassic, Formation:  Malm zeta 2b (Solnhofen), location:  Solnhofen, Germany. slab approx. 26.7 x 18.0 x 3.0 cm, weigth  approx. 3.835 kg.   59 €

    Mecochirus longimanatus No. A33
  • Eryon No. B51

    Location: Mühlheim, district of Eichstätt, straticraphic classification upper Jurassic, Tithonium, Solnhofen-Formation, malm zeta  3 / 4, age approx. Slab approx. 7 x 7 cm, 144 million years, weigth approx. 2715 g, slab approx. 16.4 x 19,9 cm, thickness of slab approx. 3.7 cm. Glued und reinforced at the backside 560 €

    Eryon No. B51
  • Long armed shrimp with trail No. FG01

    "Schnorgackel", Mecochirus longimanatus, with death track! Jurassic, Malm Zeta 3 / 4, location: Solnhofen. Very high quality! 1600 €

    Long armed shrimp with trail No. FG01
  • No. FG034 Long-armed crustacean with trace

    Mecochirus longimanatus with trace, Solnhofen, Upper Jurassic. This lobster evidently survived for a short period, presumably preserving its last efforts at survival. Approx. 67 x 33 x 1.5 cm Price now reduced from 900,- Euros to 750,- Euro! 750 €

    No. FG034 Long-armed crustacean with trace
  • Antrimpos  No. B10

    Age:  Jurassic, formation:  malm zeta 2 a/b (Solnhofen), Location:  Eichstatt, Germany stratigrapic classification: upper Jurassic. lower Thiton, malm zeta 3,  panel thickness approx. 1.6 x weigth approx.  2130 g. 499 €

    Antrimpos  No. B10
  • Acanthochirana No. B04

    Location: Eichstätt, stratigraphic classification: upper Jurassic,  lower Thiton, malm zeta 2b.  Age: approx. 150,000,000 years, Thickness of slab approx. 0.9 cm, weigth total 1570 g. Rare! 260 €

    Acanthochirana No. B04
  • Mecochirus longimanatus No. A37

    Location: Eichstätt, stratigraphic classification: upper Jurassic,  lower Thiton, malm zeta 2b.  Age: approx. 150,000,000 years, thickness approx.  0.8 cm, weigth  approx. 670 g., slab glued together, approx. 20 x 18 cm 180 €

    Mecochirus longimanatus No. A37
  • Mecochirus longimanatus No. A25

    location: Solnhofen, stratigraphic classification: upper Jurassic. lower Thiton, malm zeta , thickness approx.  5.5 mm, weigth  approx. 445 g., slap approx. 20.4 x 14.3 cm   79 €

    Mecochirus longimanatus No. A25
  • Unknown shrimp No. B89

    Location: Mühlheim, district of Eichstätt, straticraphic classification upper Jurassic, Tithonium, Solnhofen-Formation, malm zeta  3 / 4, age approx. 144 million years,  weigth approx. 820 g., thickness of slap approx. 2,4 cm 199 €

    Unknown shrimp No. B89
  • Antrimpos  No. B86

    age:  Jurassic, formation:  malm zeta 2 a/b (Solnhofen), Location:  Eichstatt, Germany stratigrapic classification: upper Jurassic. lower Thiton, malm zeta 3,  panel dimensions approx. 11.5 x 10,3 x  0.9 cm, weigth approx.  255 g.   Sold! 140 €

    Antrimpos  No. B86
  • Drobna deformis No. B36

    Big Drobna. Very rare! Location: Eichstätt, Jurassic, Malm zeta , age approx. 147 million years, diameter fossil without antennas approx.  9 cm, slab approx. 23 x 25 x 1,4 cm, weight approx. 2 kg 780 €

    Drobna deformis No. B36
  • Eryon arctiformis No. B02

    Eryon, location: Mühlheim, Upper Jurassic, Tithon z3, Altmühl-formation, plate approx. 37 x 20 cm, thickness approx. 3 cm, weight approx. 3.4 kg 775 €

    Eryon arctiformis No. B02
  • Saga mysiformis No. A78

    Location: Mühlheim, district of Eichstätt, straticraphic classification upper Jurassic, Tithonium, Solnhofen-Formation, malm zeta  3 / 4, age approx. 144 million years. Panel  thickness  1.6 cm, weigth  185 g 29 €

    Saga mysiformis No. A78
  • Clausia lithographica No. A60

    Very rare! Location: Eichstätt. Straticraphic classification: upper Jurassic, Tithonium, Solnhofen-Formation, malm zeta  3 / 4, age approx. 150 million years,  panel dimensions approx. 15 x 11,3 x  1.9 cm, weigth approx. 815 g, pos. and negative glued together 59 €

    Clausia lithographica No. A60
  • Knebelia bilobata No. B06

    Locality: Mühlheim, district of Eichstätt, Germany, upper Jurassic, malm zeta 3 – 4, age approx. 144 million years, length of the fossil: approx. 8 cm, panel dimensions approx. 20 x 21 x max. 3 cm 579 €

    Knebelia bilobata No. B06
  • Mecochirus longimanatus No. A48

    Location: Solnhofen, stratigraphic classification: upper Jurassic. lower Thiton, malm zeta , thickness approx.  1.1 cm, weigth  approx. 1675 g. 140 €

    Mecochirus longimanatus No. A48
  • Mecochirus brevimanus No. A015

    age:  Jurassic, Formation:  Malm zeta 2b (Solnhofen), location:  Solnhofen, Germany. Slab approx.  18 x 15 x 0.6 cm, weigth 0.5  kg., from an old collection, rear side with hanger. 69 €

    Mecochirus brevimanus No. A015