
  • Libelle Nr. A24

      Dragonfly No. A47 Age:  Jurassic, order: insects (insecta), species: not det. Locality: Eichstätt (Solnhofen limestone), Germany, upper Jurassic, malm zeta, age approx.  150 million years.  Thickness of slab approx. 1 cm, weight approx. 540 g.   Fundort: Eichstätt Lithostratigraphie: Tithonium, Weißjura-Gruppe, Altmühltal-Formation, Eichstätt-Subformation Quentstedt : Malm Zeta 2 a/b Biostratigraphie: Hybonotum-Zone, Riedense-Subzone Plattenstärke  ca. 1 cm. Gewicht ca. 540 g. Nr. A24 699 €

    Libelle Nr. A24
  • Dragonfly No. A47

    Age:  Jurassic, order: insects (insecta), species: not det. (Tarsophlebia eximia ?) Locality: Eichstätt (Solnhofen limestone), Germany, upper Jurassic, malm zeta, age approx.  150 million years.  Wingspan approx. max 7 cm. Slab approx. 16 x 12 cm. Thickness of slab approx. 0.5 cm, weight approx. 250 g. 499 €

    Dragonfly No. A47
  • Dragonfly No. RA049

    Age:  Jurassic, order: insects (insecta), species: not det. Formation:  Malm zeta 2 (Solnhofen). Size:  slab approx. 25 x 17.3 x 1.9 cm, weight approx. 2.2 kg. Sold! 357 €

    Dragonfly No. RA049