Squid No. A84
http://www.fossilienladen.com/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2024/07/Plesio-654x284.jpgPlesioteuthis sp Location: Solnhofen, stratigraphic classification: upper Jurassic. lower Thiton, malm zeta. Age: approx. 150,000,000 years. Diameter of fossil max. approx. 35 cm, weigth approx. 5.355 kg thickness of slab approx. 3.1 cm 260 €
Belemnite No. A29
http://www.fossilienladen.com/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2024/07/A29Bel-654x369.jpglocality: Mühlheim, district of Eichstätt, Germany, upper jurassic, malm zeta 3 – 4, age approx. 144 million years, thickness of slab approx. max. 4.2 cm, fossil approx. 9 cm, weight approx. 610 g., slab approx. 13 x 6 cm, lower cut edge approx. 13 cm 39 €
Ammonite No. A28
http://www.fossilienladen.com/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2024/04/Asss1-654x465.jpgLocation: Mühlheim, district of Eichstätt, stratigraphic classification: upper Jurassic, lower Tithon, malm zeta 3, weight approx. 5.66 kg., age approx. 144 million years, ammonite slab thickness approx. 3.5 cm, diameter of the ammonite approx. max. 18 cm 79 €
Ammonite No. A18
http://www.fossilienladen.com/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2024/04/Aass2-654x478.jpgLocation: Mühlheim, district of Eichstätt, stratigraphic classification: upper Jurassic, lower Tithon, malm zeta 3, weight approx. 5.14 kg., age approx. 144 million years, ammonite slab thickness approx. 3.3 cm, diameter of the ammonite approx. max. 13 cm 79 €
fossil bookends
http://www.fossilienladen.com/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2023/04/DSC_0001-91-654x438.jpgAmmonite No. A62, A63, A64 Location: Mühlheim, district of Eichstätt, stratigraphic classification: upper Jurassic, lower Tithon, malm zeta 3, age approx. 144 million years. No. B64: Sold! No. B62: max. height approx. 12cm, 2675 gr., thickness max. approx. 6 cm; 40,- Euros Mo. B63: max. height approx. 17cm. 4145 gr., thickness max. approx. 10 cm; 46,-Euros 1 piece: 40 - 46,- Euros 2 pieces: 80,- Euros 119 €
Ammonite No. FG47
http://www.fossilienladen.com/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/07/Austernammo-654x437.jpgAmmonite with oysters, location: Mühlheim, district of Eichstätt, Bavaria, upper Jurasssic, Tithonian, malm zeta 3, age approx. 147 million years. 995 €
Ammonite No. B40
http://www.fossilienladen.com/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/05/Ammo-dick-654x589.jpg144 million years, Location: Mühlheim, district of Eichstätt, straticraphic classification upper Jurassic, Tithonium, Solnhofen-Formation, malm zeta 3 / 4, age approx. Hight of slab approx. max. 20cm , weigth approx. 8565 g, thickness of slab approx. max. 9.8 cm. 99 €
Giant Ammonite
http://www.fossilienladen.com/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/01/k-DSC_0347-2-300x225.jpgBaltioceras sp. medium Upper Jurassic (Hypselocylum-Zone) Location: Quarry near Castle Feuerstein in Ebermannstadt (Bavaria) Age: Approx. 150 mio years. 1000 €
Fossil No. FG16 Ammonite
http://www.fossilienladen.com/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2021/11/Galerie_22.10.2015_009-300x201.jpgHuge ammonite (diameter 48 cm!), location Mühlheim, district of Eichstätt, age approx. 144 million years, Jurassic , Malm zeta. Scattered with barnacles. 1700 €
Squid No. B81
http://www.fossilienladen.com/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2019/10/k-DSC_0284-2-654x491.jpgTrachyteuthis sp. from Solnhofen limestone slabs. Order: molluscs (Mollusca), family: squid (Teuthoidea). Age approx. 144 million years. Fossil approx. 10.5 cm. Panel dimensions max. approx. 15.5 x 11.5 cm. weight approx. 955 gr., thickness of slab approx. 2.9 cm. Locality: Mühlheim, district of Eichstätt, Germany, upper jurassic, malm zeta 3 – 4 120 €
Ammonite with oysters No. B66
http://www.fossilienladen.com/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2019/03/DSC_0217-2-654x511.jpgLocation: Mühlheim, district of Eichstätt, stratigraphic classification: upper Jurassic, lower Tithon, malm zeta 3, age approx. 144 million years. thickness of ammonite slab approx. max. 2.8 cm, diameter of the ammonite approx. 34 to max. 41 cm, weight approx. 11.4 kg. 299 €
Ammonite with aptychus No. B17
http://www.fossilienladen.com/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2018/08/DSC_0116-654x597.jpgLocation: Mühlheim, district of Eichstätt, stratigraphic classification: upper Jurassic, lower Tithon, malm zeta 3, age approx. 144 million years. thickness of slab approx. 2.5 cm, diameter of the ammonite approx. max. 32 cm 500 €
Squid No. B53
http://www.fossilienladen.com/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2018/05/DSC_0064-654x429.jpgPlesioteuthis sp. Location: Location: Mühlheim, district of Eichstätt, stratigraphic classification: upper Jurassic, lower Tithon, malm zeta 3, age approx. 144 million years, panel dimensions approx. 26 x 14 x 2.5 cm, weigth approx. 1.7 kg, fossil diameter max. approx. 22 cm 70 €
Ammonite No. B57
http://www.fossilienladen.com/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2017/07/DSC_0003-654x530.jpglocation: Mühlheim, district of Eichstätt, stratigraphic classification: upper Jurassic. lower Thiton, malm zeta 3, weight approx. 2800 g., age approx. 144 million years, slab thickness approx. max. 1.2 cm, diameter of the ammonite approx. max. 19 cm No shipping! 40 €
Ammonite No. B40
http://www.fossilienladen.com/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2017/03/DSC_0007-1-654x484.jpgWith aptychus. Location: location: Solnhofen, stratigraphic classification: upper Jurassic. lower Thiton, malm zeta 2b, panel approx. max. 37 cm, thickness approx. 3.9 cm, weigth approx. 6 kg 160 €
Squid No. RA062
http://www.fossilienladen.com/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2016/09/DSC_0001-70-654x438.jpgFrom Solnhofen limestone slabs. Order: molluscs (Mollusca), family: squid (Teuthoidea). Age: Jurassic, formation: malm zeta 2 (Solnhofen). Location: Eichstatt, Germany. Size: slab approx. 36 x 19 x 0.7 cm, weigth approx. 1200 g 89 €
Squid No. R016
http://www.fossilienladen.com/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2016/09/DSC_0001-39-1-654x438.jpgfrom Solnhofen limestone slabs. Location, Mühlheim. With negative. Order: molluscs (Mollusca), family: squid (Teuthoidea), genus: species: (Palaeololigo). Age approx. 144 million years. Very rare! Panel dimensions max. approx. 18 x 12 x 2 cm, weigth approx. 1,2 kg, small plate approx. 12.7 x 11.7 x 0.9 cm, weight approx. 350 gr. 95 €
Ammonite subplanites sp. No. B69
http://www.fossilienladen.com/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2016/09/DSC_0001-27-654x438.jpgLocality: Mühlheim, district of Eichstätt, Germany, upper Jurassic, malm zeta 3 – 4, age approx. 144 million years, diameter of the fossil: approx. max. 40 cm. The Solnhofen beds lie in the German state of Bavaria (Bayern), halfway between Nuremberg and Munich and were originally quarried as a source of Lithographic limestone. 330 €
Belemnite No. B037
http://www.fossilienladen.com/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2016/09/DSC_0001-25-654x438.jpgLocality: Mühlheim, district of Eichstätt, Germany, upper jurassic, malm zeta 3 – 4, age approx. 144 million years, length of the fossil: approx. 3.7 cm, panel dimensions approx. 11 x 6.5 x max. 2 cm, weigth approx.. 250 g. 35 €
Plesioteuthis No. B014
http://www.fossilienladen.com/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2016/09/DSC_0001-9-654x438.jpgsquid (Plesiotheutis) from Solnhofen limestone slabs, order: molluscs (Mollusca), family: squid (Teuthoidea), genus: Plesioteuthis, species: Plesioteuthis prisca location: Mühlheim, district of Eichstätt straticraphic classification: upper Jurassic, Tithonium, malm zeta, age approx. 144 million years, length of the fossil: approx. 19 cm, panel dimensions approx. 22 x 29 x max. 0.5 cm, weigth approx.. 1 kg 131 €
Ammonite with oyster No. B11
http://www.fossilienladen.com/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2016/09/DSC_0001-8-654x438.jpgLithacoceras (?), locality: Mühlheim, district of Eichstätt, Bavaria, Germany, upper jurassic, malm zeta 3 – 4, age approx. 144 million years,. Price educed: now 59,- Euros only! Sold! €
Squid No. B008
http://www.fossilienladen.com/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2016/09/DSC_0001-6-654x438.jpgsquid (Plesiotheutis) from Solnhofen limestone slabs, order: molluscs (Mollusca), family: squid (Teuthoidea), genus: Plesioteuthis, location: Solnhofen, straticraphic classification: upper Jurassic, Tithonium, Solnhofen-Formation, malm zeta 2 a / b age approx. 150 million years, length of the fossil: approx. 28 cm, panel dimensions approx. 42 x 17 x max. 3 cm, weigth approx. 5.6 kg 195 €
Big ammonite
http://www.fossilienladen.com/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2016/05/PN_00007-654x438.jpgAmmonite, location: Drügendorf, Bavaria, Germany. Class: Pachypictonia. Age approx. 150 mio years, middle malm, gamma 2, diameter approx. 46 cm, glued and partially supplemented, back not prepared. Shipping is not possible. 495 €
Ammonite, polished
http://www.fossilienladen.com/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2016/04/DSC_0001-12-654x438.jpgAmmonite Progeronia.Location: Eichstätt, jurassic, approx. 150,000,000 years old, cut and polished, dimensions approx. 37 x 35 x 3,3 cm, weight approx. 10,5 kg. Shipping within Germany: 15,- Euro, to Austria: 32,- Euro 80.00 €
Jura marble, rough
http://www.fossilienladen.com/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2016/03/DSC_0001-19-654x438.jpgProgeronia Sp., jura marble, cut, rough, not polished, age approx. 150 million years. Location: Eichstätt. Dimensions approx. 41 x 41 x 3cm, weight approx. 13 kg, Shipping costs within Germany 15,- Euro, to Austria 32,- Euro 50.00 €
Plate jura marble
http://www.fossilienladen.com/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2016/03/DSC_0228-2-654x407.jpgSeveral llabs between 5,- and 100,- Euros (approx. more than 40 pieces), Ammonite Progeronia, with calcite crystals. Location: Eichstätt, upper jurassic, malm zeta, age approx. ca. 150 million years, plus postage 100.00 €