Sponge No. A86
http://www.fossilienladen.com/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2024/09/A86-654x535.jpgPlesioteuthis sp Location: Solnhofen, stratigraphic classification: upper Jurassic. lower Thiton, malm zeta. Age: approx. 150,000,000 years, diameter of fossil max. approx. 14 cm, weigth approx. 2450 g thickness of slab approx. 2.2 cm 59 €
Aptychus No. A73
http://www.fossilienladen.com/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2024/07/A73-Apt-654x793.jpgLocality: Mühlheim, district of Eichstätt, Germany, upper jurassic, malm zeta 3 – 4, age approx. 144 million years, slab approx. 14.5 x 13 cm, thickness of slab approx. max. 3.3 cm weight approx. 695 g. 59 €
Aptychus No. A59
http://www.fossilienladen.com/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2023/03/DSC_0001-82-654x470.jpgLocality: Mühlheim, district of Eichstätt, Germany, upper jurassic, malm zeta 3 – 4, age approx. 144 million years, diameter of aptychus approx. 7 cm weight approx. 90g. Sold! €
Sea urchin No. A53
http://www.fossilienladen.com/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/12/DSC_0001-60-654x792.jpgLocation: Painten, Bavaria, Germany. Slab approx. 0.8 x 4.3 x 4.8 cm. Diameter of urchin approx. 1.1 cm. Weight 38 g 140 €
Predatory fish teeth No. A07
http://www.fossilienladen.com/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/06/DSC_0062-2-654x538.jpgLocation: Mühlheim, district of Eichstätt, stratigraphic classification: upper Jurassic, lower Tithon, malm zeta 3, age approx. 144 million years Thickness of slab approx. max. 2.2 cm, weigth total 440 g. 79 €
No. FG48 aquarium
http://www.fossilienladen.com/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2021/12/aaaDSC_0004_5-300x201.jpg"Aquarium" with ganoid fish, squid and bony fish, age approx. 144 million years. Jurassic, Malm, Zeta 3 - 4, location: Mühlheim, district of Eichstätt 1195 €
Tooth No. A20
http://www.fossilienladen.com/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2020/02/DSC_0335-3-654x308.jpgLocation: Mühlheim, district of Eichstätt, straticraphic classification upper Jurassic, Tithonium, Solnhofen-Formation, malm zeta 3 / 4, age approx. 144 million years, thickness of slab approx. 2 cm, weight approx. 140 g, tooth approx. 6 mm 99 €
Tooth non. det. No. A14
http://www.fossilienladen.com/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2018/12/DSC_0157-654x561.jpgLocation: Mühlheim, district of Eichstätt, straticraphic classification upper Jurassic, Tithonium, Solnhofen-Formation, malm zeta 3 / 4, age approx. 144 million years, thickness of slab up to approx. 1.3 cm. Weight approx. 55g. 99 €
http://www.fossilienladen.com/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2016/11/DSC_0007-1-654x438.jpg„Die weite Reise vom kleinen Archaeopteryx in unsere Zeit: Eine fossile Geschichte - oder doch ein fossiles Märchen?“ Language: German Authors: Stilla and Raphaela Uekermann 13 €
Aptychus No. R018
http://www.fossilienladen.com/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2016/09/DSC_0001-41-654x438.jpgLocation: Mühlheim, Mörnsheim, district of Eichstätt, stratigrapic classification: upper Jurassic. lower Thiton, malm zeta 3, panel dimensions approx. max. 18 x 10 x max. 1.3 cm, weigth approx. 270 gr. 49 €
Raw materials
http://www.fossilienladen.com/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2016/04/Rohware-August-2016-654x437.jpgUnprepared raw fossils. Jurassic. Prices on request. No shipping. €
Wall clocks
http://www.fossilienladen.com/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2016/04/DSC_0001-1.jpgVarious wall clocks made of Solnhofen limestone slabs, careful manual works. German brand-movements (UTS, Junghans ...), unit price incl. 19% value added tax. Shipping costs within Germany: 14,- Euro. 95 €